Adult Matric Exams 2025

Adult Matric Exams – How to register?

People 21 years old or older, can still complete their matric and claim their NSC. All you need to do is pass the Adult Matric Exams. If, due to unfortunate circumstances, you couldn’t complete your matric, you can still do it. All you need to do is register for the adult matric exams and fulfil the passing criteria!

But how can you register for the adult matric exams? Don’t worry, we are here to guide you through the registration process, the qualification criteria, and what documents you require to register yourself for the Adult Matric exams when you are ready.

So, without any further ado, let’s get right into it.

How do you register for Adult Matric Exams in South Africa?

It doesn’t matter when you decide to pursue your education again. In unfortunate circumstances, you might have left the matric exams. But here is your chance to claim your NSC and kickstart your academic career again.

The Department of Basic Education or Bellview Institute of Distance Learning can help you out with this. You can apply with either of these and take your Adult Matric Exams.

There are two ways you can apply.

  1. Online
  2. In-person

We will tell you how you can register either way, but before that, let’s see if you are even qualified to apply for the Adult Matric Exams.

Qualification criteria

Let’s have a look at the qualification criteria for this exam. You should only apply if you fulfil these conditions. Otherwise, you would be wasting your time applying for this. Your application for adult matric exams will be rejected if you don’t fulfil the following conditions:

  • You have passed grade 9 or have an equivalent certificate.
  • You are 21 years old or older than that.
  • If the candidate has incomplete matric results.
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Other than that, if you have failed matric exams previously, or want to improve your marks, you can still take these adult matric exams.

Documents required

If you think you qualify for the conditions to take the adult matric exams, you must now have all the necessary documents at hand.

Here are the documents that you must have if you want to apply for these exams and take your National Senior Certificate:

  • A valid South African ID card.
  • If you are an international candidate, you must attested copy of your passport
  • Previous academic records (if applicable)
  • A correctly filled registration form.

Now, let’s have a look at the registration process.

Online registration process

You go visit the DBE’s website for the 2nd chance program and register yourself for the exam as follows:

  • Sign up on the e-services section
  • Fill in all your credentials like your personal information, academic information, etc. Make sure you are entering the correct information
  • Now, select the matric services once you have logged in after registering on the website
  • Authenticate yourself with an OTP
  • The “e-Registration for Grade 12 Senior Certificate (Amended)” page will be displayed to you. Enter your personal information and click “Yes” to agree to the terms.
  • Please fill out the “Qualification Criteria.” You will fill out the “Registration History” and then the “Subject Choices and Center Info” if you have already taken the Matric examinations.
  • To properly register for the Adult Matric Exams, upload the required papers and fill out the declaration. You will receive a confirmation mail with all of the information about the next exam.
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In-person registration process

This is how you can register in person:

  • Visit a Basic Education District Office and ask for registration form
  • Fill the form
  • Attach the required documents
  • Apply along with the fee

Where are the Basic Education District Offices in South Africa?

These are some of the addresses that you can look out for the in-person registration for adult matriculation exams.

ProvinceAddressContact Number
Eastern CapeSteve Vukile Tshwete Education Complex, Zone 6, Zwelitsha040 608 4200
Free State55 Elizabeth Street, FS Provincial Government Building, Bloemfontein051 404 8000
Gauteng6 Hollard Building, 17 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg011 355 0000
KwaZulu-Natal247 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg033 846 5000
LimpopoCorner 113 Biccard & 24 Excelsior Street, Polokwane015 290 7611
MpumalangaBuilding No. 5, Government Boulevard, Riverside Park, Nelspruit013 766 5000
Northern Cape2nd Floor Executive Block, Garona Building, Mmabatho018 388 2562/2564
North WestIK Nkoane Education House, 156 Barkly Road, Homestead, Kimberley053 839 6500
Western CapeGrand Central Towers, Cnr Darling and Lower Plein Streets, Cape Town021 467 2000


Obtaining your National Senior Certificate as an adult is not only possible but also an empowering step toward new prospects. With easy enrollment choices and support from the Department of Basic Education or distance learning institutions, the Adult Matric pathway is simple for people who want to take up where they left off. By completing the basic requirements and acquiring the relevant documentation, you may confidently take this step and determine your future—whether it’s to further your profession, further your education, or just achieve a personal goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What subjects you can take for adult matric exams?

– All official languages (e.g., Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, etc.)
– Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy
– Life Orientation
– Elective subjects (e.g., Business Studies, Economics, Geography, etc.)

How to get your matric as an adult in South Africa?

If you are an adult who is 21 or older, you can apply for the adult matric exams and get your NSC.

Can a foreigner write matric in South Africa?

Yes, if you are a passport, you can use that as an identification and apply for the exams.

Do my matric online in South Africa?

Yes, you can do that. All you have to do is apply through the relevant channel and you can take your exams online.

What is the age limit for matric in South Africa?

The age limit is 20, but after this, you can take the adult matric exams.

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